One of the key features of doing business in the 21st century is the need to conform and comply with multiple regulators, often across different jurisdictions.  Even small and medium-sized charities working within or across the UK must deal with multiple jurisdictions and meet the needs of a plethora of requirements of regulatory bodies whether a charity regulator, HMRC, the ICO, the Health & Safety Executive or Companies House.

Governance investigations and support services take many forms, and are not necessarily the result of wrong-doing, these include:

  • Refresh governance activity in line with current good practice;
  • Following a Board Self-Evaluation that identifies areas of uncertainty;
  • Notifiable Events or Serious Incident Report may require independent investigation:
    • following identification of an issue;
    • following submission of a regulatory notification;
    • to support a regulatory intervention; or
  • Following a regulatory notification.

Our approach is to keep your organisation and what it does at the center of our work.  We will:

  • Interview relevant trustees, staff and volunteers;
  • Review documentation relevant to our work; and
  • Draw on our broad and deep experience to ensure that all relevant matters are identified.

At the conclusion of our work we will provide an in depth report containing recommendations which are graded according to the level of risk exposure.